A working ranch can accomplish very little work without access to it all, and ranch roads are the key to that access. A rancher needs to be able to drive out to the distant reaches of their ranch, to check on livestock, to mend fences, and to deal with other problems/chores any ranch has on a daily basis.
Thus, the construction of, and regular maintenance of, ranch roads is vital for a healthy and profitable ranch, just as the proper method of driveway excavation for a homeowner.
J & A Excavation has been providing, and maintaining, ranch roads in Texas for twenty years. Call us at 817-933-7778 for more information about our excavation services.
Repairing existing ranch roads
Ranch roads on a working ranch wear out. That’s just the real of it. Driving ranch vehicles over dirt or gravel roads will take its toll on any road, and there will come a time when those ranch roads need to be repaired/upgraded.
Constructing new ranch roads
If constructing new ranch roads was an easy process, anyone could do it. It requires grading, leveling, and most likely spreading gravel. It requires a knowledge of the soil, and an understanding of drainage and possible contour problems. It is not simply a matter of the shortest distance between Point A and Point B, as our Geometry teachers would have us believe, but rather the best route from Point A to Point B, taking into account the individuality of a particular ranch.
Understand the needs of the new road. What kind of equipment will be driving on that road? How heavy is that equipment? These things must be known before construction can begin.
It begins with laying a solid foundation so that the new road does not wash away, or wear away, over time. Hopefully, the new ranch road can be built on strong, deep subgrade, but if that subgrade is not there, it will require digging away the weak, wet soils and replacing them with stronger soils. It requires a thorough knowledge of water flow in the area, and a method of drainage so that storms do not wash away the work done.
Palliatives, like resin binder, should be added to keep the road strong over time.
And a regular maintenance schedule should be adhered to so that the road does not break down and become a hindrance rather than a helpful feature of the ranch.
We have the equipment to get the job done correctly
The construction of ranch roads will involve land clearing. It will involve excavation services. It will involve grading the road surface, and it will involve hauling gravel in and hauling brush and stumps out.
Whatever is needed, whether it be a grader, a backhoe, dump truck services, or any other specialized equipment, J & A Excavation has what it takes, and the knowledge it takes, to get the job done correctly.
A final word about J & A Excavation
J & A Excavation is a locally-owned and operated company, trusted by local farmers and ranchers to do the job right, the first time, at a fair and competitive price. Call us for a job quote if you need ranch roads on your property, or for digging ponds, or building pads, or any other service we provide.